diversity & inclusion
As a purpose-driven company, we are a change agent that aggressively and actively promotes a diverse workforce. It’s the right thing to do for our company, our communities, and our country.
diversity & inclusion
As a purpose-driven company, we are a change agent that aggressively and actively promotes a diverse workforce. It’s the right thing to do for our company, our communities, and our country.
all levels and disciplines
We have created a diverse workforce and supplier base – encouraging opportunity, inclusivity and idea-sharing across the board. Minority and women-owned business enterprises (MBWEs) are an integral facet of our company and supply base that ultimately benefits our customers.
We fulfill an important need for large companies who have made diversity part of hiring and procurement processes, while getting the highest quality products at a fair price.

tell our story
Our goal is to constantly improve these numbers.
tell our story
Our goal is to constantly improve these numbers.

We actively play roles in advocacy groups working to improve diversity and inclusion. We wear our certification proudly and share our experience and knowledge through mentorship of minority and women-owned suppliers.

with the richest mix of talent

Commit to a diverse workforce and supplier base
Dakkota mentors and develops minority and diverse suppliers
Hire the best candidates that reflects the community diversity in which we work

Sustain the value of diversity throughout the organization
Ongoing diversity training
Diversity celebrations throughout the year

Serve through community involvement
Hiring, purchasing, and mentoring our community

Monitor a diverse supply base
Measure internal and external expectations